197 research outputs found

    RepLib: A library for derivable type classes

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    Some type class instances can be automatically derived from the structure of types. As a result, the Haskell language includes the deriving mechanism to automatic generates such instances for a small number of built-in type classes. In this paper, we present RepLib, a GHC library that enables a similar mechanism for arbitrary type classes. Users of RepLib can define the relationship between the structure of a datatype and the associated instance declaration by a normal Haskell functions that pattern-matches a representation types. Furthermore, operations defined in this manner are extensible-instances for specific types not defined by type structure may also be incorporated. Finally, this library also supports the definition of operations defined by parameterized types

    Programming Up to Congruence (Extended version)

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    This paper presents the design of ZOMBIE, a dependently-typed programming language that uses an adaptation of a congruence closure algorithm for proof and type inference. This algorithm allows the type checker to automatically use equality assumptions from the context when reasoning about equality. Most dependently typed languages automatically use equalities that follow from -reduction during type checking; however, such reasoning is incompatible with congruence closure. In contrast, ZOMBIE does not use automatic -reduction because types may contain potentially diverging terms. Therefore ZOMBIE provides a unique opportunity to explore an alternative definition of equivalence in dependently typed language design. Our work includes the specification of the language via a bidirectional type system, which works “up-to-congruence,” and an algorithm for elaborating expressions in this language to an explicitly typed core language. We prove that our elaboration algorithm is complete with respect to the source type system, and always produces well typed terms in the core language. This algorithm has been implemented in the ZOMBIE language, which includes general recursion, irrelevant arguments, heterogeneous equality and data types

    Stratified Type Theory

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    To exploit the expressivity of being able to refer to the type of types, such as for large elimination, dependent type systems will either employ a universe hierarchy or else contend with an inconsistent type-in-type rule. However, these are not be the only possible options. Taking inspiration from Stratified System F, we introduce Stratified Type Theory (StraTT), where rather than stratifying universes by levels, we stratify typing judgements and restrict the domain of dependent function types to some fixed level strictly lower than that of the overall type. Even in the presence of type-in-type, this restriction suffices to enforce consistency of the system. We explore the expressivity of several extensions atop this design. First, the subsystem subStraTT employs McBride's crude-but-effective stratification (also known as displacement) as a simple form of level polymorphism where top-level definitions can be displaced uniformly to any higher level as needed, which is valid due to level cumulativity and plays well with stratified judgements. Second, to recover some expressivity lost due to the restriction on dependent function domains, the full StraTT system includes a separate nondependent function type with floating domains, whose level instead matches that of the overall type. Finally, we have implemented a prototype type checker for StraTT extended with datatypes along with a small type checked core library. While it's possible to show that the subsystem is consistent, showing consistency for the full system with floating nondependent functions remains open. Nevertheless, we believe that the full system is also consistent and have mechanized a syntactic proof of subject reduction. Furthermore, we use our implementation to investigate various well-known type-theoretic type-in-type paradoxes. These examples all fail to type check in expected ways as evidence towards consistency.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, submitted to CPP 202

    Boxes Go Bananas: Encoding Higher-Order Abstract Syntax With Parametric Polymorphism (Extended Version)

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    Higher-order abstract syntax is a simple technique for implementing languages with functional programming. Object variables and binders are implemented by variables and binders in the host language. By using this technique, one can avoid implementing common and tricky routines dealing with variables, such as capture-avoiding substitution. However, despite the advantages this technique provides, it is not commonly used because it is difficult to write sound elimination forms (such as folds or catamorphisms) for higher-order abstract syntax. To fold over such a datatype, one must either simultaneously define an inverse operation (which may not exist) or show that all functions embedded in the datatype are parametric. In this paper, we show how first-class polymorphism can be used to guarantee the parametricity of functions embedded in higher-order abstract syntax. With this restriction, we implement a library of iteration operators over data-structures containing functionals. From this implementation, we derive fusion laws that functional programmers may use to reason about the iteration operator. Finally, we show how this use of parametric polymorphism corresponds to the Schürmann, Despeyroux and Pfenning method of enforcing parametricity through modal types. We do so by using this library to give a sound and complete encoding of their calculus into System Fω. This encoding can serve as a starting point for reasoning about higher-order structures in polymorphic languages

    Generalizing Parametricity Using Information Flow (Extended Version)

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    Run-time type analysis allows programmers to easily and concisely define operations based upon type structure, such as serialization, iterators, and structural equality. However, when types can be inspected at run time, nothing is secret. A module writer cannot use type abstraction to hide implementation details from clients: clients can determine the structure of these supposedly abstract data types. Furthermore, access control mechanisms do not help isolate the implementation of abstract datatypes from their clients. Buggy or malicious authorized modules may leak type information to unauthorized clients, so module implementors cannot reliably tell which parts of a program rely on their type definitions. Currently, module implementors rely on parametric polymorphism to provide integrity and confidentiality guarantees about their abstract datatypes. However, standard parametricity does not hold for languages with run-time type analysis; this paper shows how to generalize parametricity so that it does. The key is to augment the type system with annotations about information-flow. Implementors can then easily see which parts of a program depend on the chosen implementation by tracking the flow of dynamic type information

    A Calculus for Dynamic Loading

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    We present the load-calculus, used to model dynamic loading, and prove it sound. The calculus extends the polymorphic λ-calculus with a load primitive that dynamically loads terms that are closed, with respect to values. The calculus is meant to approximate the process of dynamic loading in TAL/Load [4], a version of Typed Assembly Language [7] extending with dynamic linking. To model the key aspects of TAL, the calculus contains references and facilities for named types. Loadable programs may refer to named types defined by the running program, and may export new types to code loaded later. Our approach follows the framework initially outlined by Glew et. al [3]. This calculus has been implemented in the TALx86 [6] version of Typed Assembly Language, and is used to implement a full-featured dynamic linking library, DLpop [4]

    Language-Based Verification Will Change The World

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    We argue that lightweight, language-based verification is poised to enter mainstream industrial use, where it will have a major impact on software quality and reliability. We explain how language-based approaches based on so-called dependent types are already being adopted in functional programming languages, and why such methods will be successful for mainstream use, where traditional formal methods have failed

    Combining Proofs and Programs

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    Programming languages based on dependent type theory promise two great advances: flexibility and security. With the type-level computation afforded by dependent types, algorithms can be more generic, as the type system can express flexible interfaces via programming. Likewise, type-level computation can also express data structure invariants, so that programs can be proved correct through type checking. Furthermore, despite these extensions, programmers already know everything. Via the Curry-Howard isomorphism, the language of type-level computation and the verification logic is the programming language itself. There are two current approaches to the design of dependently-typed languages: Coq, Epigram, Agda, which grew out of the logics of proof assistants, require that all expressions terminate. These languages provide decidable type checking and strong correctness guarantees. In contrast, functional programming languages, like Haskell and Omega, have adapted the features dependent type theories, but retain a strict division between types and programs. These languages trade termination obligations for more limited correctness assurances. In this talk, I present a work-in-progress overview of the Trellys project. Trellys is new core language, designed to provide a smooth path from functional programming to dependently-typed programming. Unlike traditional dependent type theories and functional languages, Trellys allows programmers to work with total and partial functions uniformly. The language itself is composed of two fragments that share a common syntax and overlapping semantics: a simple logical language that guarantees total correctness and an expressive call-by-value programming language that guarantees types safety but not termination. Importantly, these two fragments interact. The logical fragment may soundly reason about effectful, partial functions. Program values may be used as evidence by the logic. We call this principle freedom of speech: whereas proofs themselves must terminate, they must be allowed to reason about any function a programmer might write. To retain consistency, the Trellys type system keeps track of where potentially non-terminating computations may appear, so that it can prevent them from being used as proofs

    Combining Proofs and Programs in a Dependently Typed Language

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    Most dependently-typed programming languages either require that all expressions terminate (e.g. Coq, Agda, and Epigram), or allow infinite loops but are inconsistent when viewed as logics (e.g. Haskell, ATS, mega). Here, we combine these two approaches into a single dependently-typed core language. The language is composed of two fragments that share a common syntax and overlapping semantics: a logic that guarantees total correctness, and a call-by-value programming language that guarantees type safety but not termination. The two fragments may interact: logical expressions may be used as programs; the logic may soundly reason about potentially nonterminating programs; programs can require logical proofs as arguments; and “mobile” program values, including proofs computed at runtime, may be used as evidence by the logic. This language allows programmers to work with total and partial functions uniformly, providing a smooth path from functional programming to dependently-typed programming. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.1 [Programming Languages]: Formal Definitions and Theory Keywords Dependent types; Termination; General recursio
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